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What Is The O-1 Visa?

The O-1 visa is a non-immigrant visa is for the individuals who possesses extraordinary ability in science, arts, education, business, or athletics, or who has a demonstrated record of extraordinary achievement in the motion picture or television industry and has been recognized nationally or internationally for those achievements.

O-1B Requirements

For an O-1B visa, applicants must have won a major award, such as an Oscar or Grammy, or show evidence of at least three of the following:
• Evidence of past or future performances in a leading role or as a star participant in distinguished events or productions
• National or International recognition for past achievements
• Evidence of past or future performances as a lead or star participant for distinguished organizations or establishments
• Evidence of significant commercial success or critical recognition
• Recognition from critics, experts or government agencies for achievements in the field
• Evidence of receiving compensation for work that demonstrates an extraordinary ability as compared to the compensation received by others in the field


O-1A Requirements


• Receipt of lesser nationally and internationally recognized prizes or awards for excellence in the field of endeavour.
• Membership in associations in the field which require outstanding achievements of their members, as judged by experts in the field.
• Published materials about the individual in professional or major trade publications, or appearance/published materials about the individual in other major media.
• Participation, either individually or as part of a panel, as a judge of the work of others in the field (including having served as a reviewer/referee for articles to be published, on discussion and advisory panels, etc.).
• Original scientific, scholarly, artistic, athletic or business-related contributions of major significance in the field.
• Authorship of scholarly articles in the field, as published in professional or major trade publications or in other major media.
• Serving in a critical or essential capacity for organizations or establishments that have a distinguished reputation; and/or
• Commanding a high salary or other significantly high remuneration for services, as compared to others in the field; and/or

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Processing Times

Once we file all the information and documents on behalf of you, USCIS will decide on the application. Due to the O-1 visa processing time, it is important for everything to be filed at least 45 days before entry into the United States is sought.
Our qualified O-1 visa attorney can help make sure that all of your documents and evidence are submitted according to the regulations and deadlines.

O-1 Processing Time

On average, the O-1 processing time is faster than that of other visas like the H-1B visa. However, you should still allot three to four months for the application to process. Because the I-129 petition’s processing time is dependent on the service centre that is responsible for processing it, determining the exact amount of time to expect can be difficult.

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Premium Processing

If you are pressed for time and have a need to expedite your O-1 processing time, then opting for the USCIS premium processing service may be a good option. This feature, for a fee of $2,805 will obligate the USCIS to process your petition in 15 calendar days or less. If it is not processed in this amount of time, the USCIS will refund your fee.
However, many people believe that premium processing will help increase your chances of being approved or even guarantee approval. This has never been the case. Premium processing only speeds up the time it takes the USCIS to come to a decision about your petition.

Applying for a Green Card on O1 Visa

If you have an O1 visa, you can apply for a green card and seek permanent U.S. residence. You may do so in two ways:
Employer-sponsored green card application: You can explore several employment-based green card options with the flexibility offered by your O1 visa. However, you will need to have an employer who is willing to sponsor your application.
Self-sponsored green card application: You can build up your portfolio and then file an EB-1 application. In this case, you will not require an employer to sponsor your application.
It is best to consult an experienced immigration law firm to see which of the two options best suits your circumstances.

Get in touch with our expert US Immigration Attorneys today.

Why Choose Adam Bernard’s?

At Adam Bernards we provide consular assistance for all the categories of US visas. Consular services give you ease of processing for a lesser fee and for a quicker processing timeframe in contrast to USCIS filings. However, it is imperative you choose the firm that has gained substantial experience in consular based services. We analyse and strategize your concern deeply and translate them into the services providing you with a percentage of chance of success of your applications. We are transparent with the processes and make our clients aware of their case status at every stage in the process. We are thoroughly dedicated to our clients needs and in achieving the best outcome for our clients.

A Minister of Religion Visa solicitor at our law firm can also help you if you already applied but your application was refused. You can discuss your case with an immigration lawyer at our law firm in a free consultative session.

Call today at 0207-100-0505 to book your free consultation with a Minister of Religion Visa solicitor at our law firm.

Get in touch with our expert US Immigration Attorneys today.

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