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Living in metropolitan housing issues always crop up; losing a home is distressing and painful, falling back with your mortgage payments, eviction threats are those issues where you need expert advice, we are there to help you and assist you on the aforementioned and following issues: 

Housing Services

  • Possession or eviction proceedings brought by private landlord
  • Possession or eviction proceedings brought by a Housing Association/Trust or a Local Authority
  • Claims or counterclaims for damages for disrepair, including getting injunctions requiring your landlord to carry out repairs
  • Mortgage repossession
  • Squatter’s rights/adverse possession
  • Homelessness applications, including reviews, appeals in the County Court and judicial review of Local Authority’s decisions
  • Harassment and/or unlawful eviction by your landlord
  • HMO licensing disputes and appeal against local authority penalty charge notices

Get in touch with our expert Landlords & Tenants Solicitors today.

0207 100 2525