What is a Joint Venture Agreement and why might you need one?

What is a Joint Venture Agreement and why might you need one? A Joint Venture agreement is intended to be a legally binding agreement typically between two or more business entities that are undertaking a specialised project together. In these types of agreements, both parties establish their duties and obligations for the duration of the

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How to read a contract for dummies

How to read a contract for dummies The Importance of knowing how to read a contract Let’s be honest when you read a contract, you can start to panic as you may not understand many of the words and legal jargon used in the contract. But you don’t need to panic, instead take a deep

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Why should you hire a Contract Lawyer?

Why should you hire a Contract Lawyer? Commercial contracts are a major part of the business world, with contractual business relationships affecting every part of a company’s operations; from employees, suppliers, and business partners, to investors, customers, and landlord. In fact, according to PWC consultancy, the average number of contracts per organisation is 20,000 to 40,000

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