Data Sharing Agreements

At London-based Adam Bernard Solicitors, we know that data has become an invaluable asset in allowing businesses to reach a wider audience of consumers. In recent decades, data sharing has become common practice; Adam Bernard Solicitors London aim to guide your business through the process safely with full compliance to data protection regulations and guideline. This is done through a well written Data Sharing Agreement.

A Data Sharing Agreement is a formal contract that clearly documents what data is being shared and how the data can be used. The document outlines what needs to happen at each stage of it being held and sets standards between the ‘providers’ of the data and the ‘receivers’ needed to ensure they comply with the UK General Data Protection Regulation (the GDPR). 

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Data Sharing Agreements served two purposes:

  • Outlines consequences for breaking the rules including the types of sanctions that will be implemented
  • Details an organisation’s philosophy for the intended usage of their website
  • It protects the agency providing the data ensuring that the data will not be misused.
  • It prevents miscommunication on the part of the provider of the data and the receiver by removing any ambiguities. In this way, both parties remain protected from liability action.

Information that should be included in a Data Sharing Agreement:

  • Period of agreement: clearly define when the provider will give the data to the receiver and how long the receiver will be able to use the data. Further, what happens when the receiver is no longer able to use the data; will it be destroyed or returned to the provider?
  • Intended use of the data.
  • Constraints on the use of the data: e.g., any restrictions on how the data can be used.
  • Data security
  • Methods of data-sharing
  • Financial costs of data-sharing

Get in touch with our expert Data Sharing Agreements Solicitors today.

What we can do

Our team of expert Data Protection Lawyers can aid your business in creating Data Sharing Agreements to safeguard from potential liability lawsuits and allegations of data misuse. Each agreement will be made tailored to your specific business and will include the terms you deem necessary.

To safeguard your customers details, see our Data Protection Policies

We can also review and advise on agreements you are being asked to sign, renegotiate new terms on existing agreements and contracts or draft entirely new contracts.

Please call us on 0207 100 0505 to get in touch with our Data Protection Lawyers for a consultation.

Get in touch with our expert Data Sharing Agreements Solicitors today.

0207 100 2525