Apprenticeship Contracts 

At Adam Bernard Solicitors, we understand how crucial it is for Apprenticeship Contracts to be compliant with the laws of England and also understand that businesses that take on apprentices may not have the time to draft their own specific agreement. Having an agreement drawn up by our expert employment lawyers ensures that your apprentice can get the most value from their placement and that you are aware of your obligations as a business as well as those of the training provider and apprentice. 

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An Apprenticeship Agreement must contain:

  • The occupation, skill, or trade that the apprentice is being trained for
  • The duration of the apprenticeship
  • To what extent the apprentice will be trained to
  • The name of the apprenticeship the apprentice will receive upon completion
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Get in touch with our expert Apprenticeship Contracts Solicitors today.

Why Adam Bernard?

Our expert Employment Lawyers at Adam Bernard Solicitors can aid your business in outlining key details about the apprenticeship. As apprentices are usually young in age, it is a legal requirement to protect their employee rights through a contractual agreement. In addition, the document allows your business to be safeguarded and protected from risks and liabilities that may arise during their employment period. 

Call us now to get in touch with one of our expert Agency Contract Lawyers on 0207 100 0505.

We can also review and advise on agreements you are being asked to sign, renegotiate new terms on existing agreements and contracts or draft entirely new contracts.

Get in touch with our expert Apprenticeship Contracts Solicitors today.

0207 100 2525