Data Access Related Contracts

Under data protection law, individuals hold the right to make a ‘Data Subject Request’. This includes the right to ask an organization whether they are using or storing personal information, as well as which data they are storing and how it is used by the business and any associate third parties. The government outlines that the business must respond within a reasonable time (at most approximately a month). 

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The UK Government Requires Businesses To Provide:

  • A confirmation that you are processing their personal data.
  • A copy of the data.
  • Details of how the data is collected, used, and disposed of.

Due to the time pressure of a month, it would be extremely useful to have adequate paperwork at hand for these requests. Our Data Protection Lawyers can provide this service for you.

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Get in touch with our expert Data Access Related Contracts Solicitors today.

What We Can Do

Our solicitors at Adam Bernard London have various services that can aid you in the circumstance of a data access request. The documents in question include:

  • Data request forms: for consumers to use when requesting their data.
  • Initial request responses: to confirm that you have received the request and are in the stages of processing.
  • In-house detailed letters: detailing all the data the business has on the individual and how it is being used, the categories of data they are holding, whether any third parties have access to this information and descriptions of how the data is being safe guarded.

These documents are a professional way to save your business valuable time and comply with data protection law time-periods.

To safeguard your customers details, see our Data Processing Agreements.

We can also review and advise on agreements you are being asked to sign, renegotiate new terms on existing agreements and contracts or draft entirely new contracts.

Please contact us on 0207 100 0505 to get in touch with one of our expert Data Protection Lawyers regarding our services.

Get in touch with our expert Data Access Related Contracts Solicitors today.

0207 100 2525