The right for an individual to reside with their family is well protected within British and international law. If you have already been granted a visa, and seek an extension under this route, it is vital that you are given comprehensive advice regarding the requirements you must meet. A failure to do so could have serious consequences to one’s route to settlement. At Adam Bernard Solicitors we will ensure that you are guided through every step of the process to ensure that your right to remain with your family is upheld.
Those making applications under the family route are having to face stricter and stricter requirements, and applications can be refused even where all requirements are met but a singular document is missing. As a result of this harsh reality, it is vital that you are in the capable hands of our department. Attention to detail is fundamental when making these applications, and the successes of countless clients we have served is testament to our ability in this area. Widely regarded as the best immigration solicitors in London for dealing with such applications, we will ensure that you are relieved of all pressures as we guide you through this process seamlessly.
Applications that fall within this category are:
If you are within the UK, seeking to make an application as the spouse of a person present and settled in the UK and you meet all the requirements then this is the route for you. There are several requirements that must be met in order to evidence one’s eligibility under this route. We at Adam Bernard Solicitors will ensure that each avenue is comprehensively covered in order to give your application the best chance of success. Successful applications under this route will grant the applicant a 5-year route to settlement.
Application on the basis of family and private life. Under the family category, this will be where the applicant was previously granted a previous visa and seeks an extension on the same terms that they were granted. This route is available for applicants that do not meet all of the requirements specified under the FLR(M) route, where the successful applicant will obtain a 5-year route to settlement. Fundamental when making applications under this route is the role that EX.1 and EX.2 play in the application.
EX.1 – details that the applicant can be exempt from certain requirements under this route where they show:
When considering the circumstances of an individual who falls within this category, the Home Office are obliged to treat the interests of the child as the ‘primary consideration’.
EX.2 – seeks to clarify the exception specified in Ex.1(b) regarding the requirement to show ‘insurmountable obstacles’. When evidencing a claim within this definition, it is paramount that you receive the best immigration advice to evidence your claim. Our team of immigration solicitors in both of our London offices will ensure that your application stands the best chance of success under this route.
Children are able to make applications under this application form where their parent is applying for limited leave to remain on any route other than under the points-based system or the UK Ancestry route. These applications can either be made on the same application form as a parent, where the child is included as the dependent, or they can be made separately. In order to be eligible under this route, the following must be shown:
Applicants who have lived in the UK for a over 20 years will be eligible to apply for limited leave to remain. If successful, the applicant will gain 2.5 years limited leave to remain in the UK
The most difficult element of this application is being able to provide evidence that covers your 20-year period of residency in the UK. It is fundamental that you are in the hands of experts that will be able to guide you through this process to ensure that your application has the best chance of success.
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