Charity Worker Visa 

The Charity Worker visa is a Temporary UK Worker Visa that enables overseas nationals to come to the UK to undertake unpaid voluntary work for a charity. You can apply for a Temporary Work – Charity Worker visa if you wish to do unpaid voluntary work for a charity and meet the other eligibility requirements. You must possess a certificate of sponsorship from a licensed employer before you can apply to come to the UK to work.

The work you undertake must be related to the activities of your sponsoring organisation.  

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Application Process

You must submit an application online from outside the UK.

As part of the application, you will need to prove your identity and provide your supporting documents either through the UK Immigration: ID Check app or by attending a visa application center.

The supporting documents include the following:

  • Your CoS reference number – your employer will give you this
  • A valid passport or other document that shows your identity and nationality
  • Evidence of enough personal savings to support yourself while in the UK, for examples, bank statements, unless your sponsor has confirmed financial support on the CoS

Tuberculosis certificate, if you are from a country where you to take the test

  • Proof of your relationship with your partner or children if they are applying with you

In some cases, the caseworker deciding the application may request additional documentation, depending on the circumstances.

If you have any documents that are not in English or Welsh, you must provide a certified translation of the documents.

The application fee for each person applying is £298. The fee is the same whether you are applying from inside or outside the UK. In addition to the application fee, you (and any dependents) must also pay for the Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS). The IHS is usually £1,035 per year for each application.

Once you have applied online, proved your identity, and provided your documents, you will usually get a decision on your visa within 3 weeks if you are outside of the UK and 8 weeks if you’re inside the UK.

Your partner and children may also apply to join you as dependents if eligible. Their visas will typically expire on the same date as yours unless a child’s parents have different visa expiry dates.

Eligibility Requirements 

To be eligible for this visa, the applicant must have the following:

  • Have a valid Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS) reference number from an approved UK sponsor
  • Have adequate funds to support yourself, typically £1,270 unless exempt
  • Be at least 18 years of age at the time of application


Please note you are ineligible for this visa if you have received a Religious Worker or Charity Worker visa within the past year, unless you can prove you were outside the UK during that period.

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Financial Requirements

You must have at least £1,270 in your bank account for at least 28 consecutive days, with the 28th day falling within 31 days before your visa application. You may not need to provide evidence of this if:

  • You have been in the UK on a valid visa for at least the last 12 months
  • Your employer agrees to cover your initial expenses during the first month in the UK, noted on your certificate of sponsorship.

Financial Requirements for Dependants

Your partner and children will also need to demonstrate access to financial resources:

  • £285 for your partner
  • £315 for your first child
  • £200 for each additional child

The funds required for a dependant applicant must be held in addition to any funds needed for the charity worker to meet their own financial requirement. These funds also must be held for at least 28 consecutive days with the 28th day falling within 31 days before applying for the visa.

Application process

You must submit an application online from outside the UK.

As part of the application, you will need to prove your identity and provide your supporting documents either through the UK Immigration: ID Check app or attending a visa application centre.

The supporting documents include the following:

  • Your CoS reference number – your employer will give you this
  • A valid passport or other document that shows your identity and nationality
  • Evidence of enough personal savings to support yourself while in the UK, for examples, bank statements, unless your sponsor has confirmed financial support on the CoS

Tuberculosis certificate, if you are from a country where you to take the test

  • Proof of your relationship with your partner or children if they are applying with you

In some cases, the caseworker deciding the application may request additional documentation, depending on the circumstances.

If you have any documents that are not in English or Welsh, you must provide a certified translation of the documents.

The application fee for each person applying is £298. The fee is the same whether you are applying from inside or outside the UK. In addition to the application fee, you (and any dependants) must also pay for the Immigration Health Surcharge (IHS). The IHS is usually £1,035 per year for each application.

Once you have applied online, proved your identity and provided your documents, you will usually get a decision on your visa withing 3 weeks if you are outside of the UK and 8 weeks if you’re inside the UK.

Your partner and children may also apply to join you as dependants if eligible. Their visas will typically expire on the same date as yours, unless a child’s parents have different visa expiry dates.

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Sponsorship requirements 

If you wish to sponsor a Charity Worker, you must:

  • Hold a valid sponsor licence for the Charity Worker route
  • Understand what the Charity Worker route is and who can sponsor on this route
  • Understand the general requirements for sponsoring workers
  • Satisfy yourself the worker will be able to meet the immigration requirements for this route
  • Assign a valid CoS to the person you wish to sponsor and pay the relevant CoS fee
  • Keep records for each person you sponsor
  • Have eligible key personnel in place to manage your licence and assign CoS to workers
  • Understand and comply with all of your sponsor duties

Duration of Stay

You can stay in the UK for up to 12 months or for the duration of your certificate of sponsorship plus an extra 14 days, whichever is shorter. You may enter the UK up to 14 days before the start date of your role.

What you can and cannot do?

Whilst on this visa, you can do the following:

  • Study (for some courses you’ll need an Academic Technology Approval Scheme certificate)
  • Work for your sponsor in the job described in your certificate of sponsorship
  • Do a second job in the same sector and at the same level as your main job for up to 20 hours per week
  • Bring your partner and children with you as your dependants, if they are eligible

You cannot do the following:

  • Claim public funds
  • No permanent employment
  • Receive any payment for work

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Extending the Charity Worker Visa

You can apply to extend your Charity Worker visa.

If you want to extend your visa, you must continue to meet the eligibility requirements and be in the UK.

How long you can stay depends on whether you are changing your sponsor.

Extensions can be granted for a maximum of 12 months or the duration indicated on the certificate of sponsorship plus 14 days, whichever is shorter. Dependants must also apply to extend their visas separately to maintain their stay in the UK.

Can a Charity Worker visa lead to settlement?

The Charity Worker route does not provide a pathway to permanent settlement in the UK. If the visa-holder seeks to settle, they must consider switching to a category that supports a route to settlement, like the Skilled Worker route, which has its own eligibility requirements.


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Why Adam Bernard’s Solicitors?

  • Our team of immigration law in Central London and East London has years of experience in advising employers and workers on UK employment sponsorship under various routes.  We will ensure that you are comprehensively advised and represented throughout the process.

  • We have achieved numerous successes when making applications under this route as evidenced through our client testimonies.
  • We understand the significance that these applications have on the lives of our clients and will ensure that every avenue is covered to give them the best chance of success.

Call us today at 0207-100-0505 to discuss your case with our lawyers and schedule a free consultation.

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