Spouse / Partner Visa 

You can apply for this visa if you meet the following eligibility criteria: you are the husband or wife of a British citizen or settled person; you are in a civil partnership with a British citizen or settled person; you have been living together in a relationship for at least 2 years as an unmarried partner; or you are engaged to a British citizen or settled person and plan to marry or enter into a civil partnership in the UK within 6 months of your arrival.  

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What Are The Requirements For A UK Spouse Visa Or Partner Visa?

To apply for a Partner Visa in the UK, both you and your partner must meet specific eligibility criteria.
Age Requirement
Both partners must be at least 18 years old.
Partner’s Citizenship or Residency Status
Your partner must fulfil one of the following conditions to be eligible for the Family Visa: they must be a British or Irish citizen; have settled status in the UK, such as indefinite leave to remain, settled status, or proof of permanent residence; be a citizen from the EU, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, or Liechtenstein with pre-settled status, having started residency in the UK before January 1, 2021; hold a Turkish Businessperson visa or a Turkish Worker visa; have protection status, which includes leave to remain as a refugee or humanitarian protection; or have permission to stay as a stateless person.
Intention to Live Together
Both partners must intend to live together permanently in the UK after the application is submitted.
Relationship Evidence
To qualify for a Partner Visa, you must demonstrate one of the following:
Civil Partnership or Marriage: You are in a civil partnership or marriage that is recognized in the UK.

Living Together

You have been living together in a relationship for at least 2 years at the time of your application.

Specific Requirements for Fiancés and Fiancées

If you are applying as a fiancé, fiancée, or proposed civil partner, you must provide evidence that any previous marriages or civil partnerships have ended, as well as a clear plan to marry or enter a civil partnership within 6 months of arriving in the UK. This documentation is essential to demonstrate your commitment and intention to establish a genuine relationship in the UK.

Long-Distance Relationship

You have been in a relationship for at least 2 years but cannot live together due to work, study, or cultural reasons.

Financial Requirement

The financial thresholds for partner, fiancé, fiancée, or proposed civil partner visa applications have increased since April 11, 2024. If you are applying on or after this date and are new to these routes or seeking permission to stay with a new partner, you must meet the new threshold of £29,000.

There is no longer a separate child element to the minimum income requirement.

However, if you are already in one of these routes and applying to stay with the same partner for whom you were last granted permission, you can benefit from transitional arrangements and only need to meet the lower threshold of £18,600, plus an additional amount for any children, capped at a maximum of £29,000. For those who have applied before April 11, 2024, the previous threshold of £18,600 still applies.

Additionally, if a child is applying under Appendix FM, they must meet the same financial threshold as the parent they are joining, regardless of when the child’s application is made.

To successfully apply as a partner or spouse, you must provide evidence showing that you have enough income or means to support yourselves in the UK. This requirement applies whether the partner is joining the UK sponsor from abroad, if the couple is already living together in the UK, or if they are returning to the UK from overseas.

The Immigration Rules relating to the Spouse Visa financial requirement are complex and include mandatory documentary evidence  requirements.  The onus is on applicants to demonstrate that the financial requirement is met.  One of the most common reasons for refusal of a Spouse Visa application is because mandatory financial evidence is not provided.   

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How to Satisfy the UK Spouse Visa Financial Requirement?

You can satisfy the financial requirement for a UK Spouse Visa in several ways, including:

  • Income from Employment: This includes money earned from salaried or non-salaried jobs of your spouse and/or yourself (if you are in the UK with permission to work).
  • Non-Employment Income: This can be income from sources like rental properties or dividends from shares.
  • Cash Savings: If you or your spouse have cash savings exceeding £16,000, these funds must be held for at least six months and be under the control of either you, your partner, or both of you jointly. To successfully qualify under this route, the total savings should be approximately £88,500.
  • Pension Income: This includes state pensions (from the UK or abroad), occupational pensions, or private pensions of you or your spouse.
  • Self-Employment Income: This includes income from self-employment or from being a director or employee of a specific limited company in the UK.

In some cases, you can combine different sources of income to meet the financial requirement.

It’s important to note that different rules apply if your spouse receives certain state benefits or entitlements.

Additionally, the amount of cash savings needed for an entry clearance or extension application is different from what is required when applying for indefinite leave to remain as a spouse.

In exceptional cases, if refusing the Spouse Visa application would violate Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), other reliable sources of income or financial support may be considered.

Our immigration solicitors and caseworkers are experts in the Spouse Visa financial requirement rules and can help you navigate the complex documentation needed for your application.

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Exemptions from financial requirement

If your UK-based partner receives certain qualifying benefits or allowances, you may be exempt from meeting the standard £29,000+ financial requirement for a Spouse Visa. Instead, you must demonstrate “adequate maintenance” to support yourselves and any dependents without relying on public funds.

Qualifying Benefits/Allowances

  • Carer’s Allowance
  • Disability Living Allowance
  • Severe Disablement Allowance
  • Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit
  • Attendance Allowance
  • Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
  • Armed Forces Independence Payment
  • Guaranteed Income Payment (under the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme)
  • Constant Attendance Allowance, Mobility Supplement, or War Disablement Pension (under the War Pensions Scheme)
  • Police Injury Pension

Key Requirements

  • You must provide evidence that your partner receives one of the listed benefits i.e., 12 months’ bank statements and grant letter.
  • You must also prove that you and your partner can adequately maintain and accommodate yourselves and any dependents in the UK. This includes covering housing, utilities, food, and essential needs without claiming public funds.

Important Notes

  • “Adequate maintenance” is assessed based on income, savings, and expenses. The Home Office will compare your combined resources to Income Support levels for a family of your size.
  • Ensure all evidence (e.g., benefit award letters, bank statements, tenancy agreements) is clear and up-to-date to avoid delays or refusal.

Qualifying Benefits/Allowances

  • Carer’s Allowance
  • Disability Living Allowance
  • Severe Disablement Allowance
  • Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit
  • Attendance Allowance
  • Personal Independence Payment (PIP)
  • Armed Forces Independence Payment
  • Guaranteed Income Payment (under the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme)
  • Constant Attendance Allowance, Mobility Supplement, or War Disablement Pension (under the War Pensions Scheme)
  • Police Injury Pension

Key Requirements

  • You must provide evidence that your partner receives one of the listed benefits i.e., 12 months’ bank statements and grant letter.
  • You must also prove that you and your partner can adequately maintain and accommodate yourselves and any dependents in the UK. This includes covering housing, utilities, food, and essential needs without claiming public funds.

Important Notes

  • “Adequate maintenance” is assessed based on income, savings, and expenses. The Home Office will compare your combined resources to Income Support levels for a family of your size.
  • Ensure all evidence (e.g., benefit award letters, bank statements, tenancy agreements) is clear and up-to-date to avoid delays or refusal.


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Accommodation Requirement 

Whether you are applying for entry clearance or seeking further leave to remain as a spouse, you must provide evidence that adequate accommodation is available for you and your spouse, without the need to rely on public funds. This accommodation should be a property that you own or occupy exclusively. You will need to demonstrate the basis on which the property is owned or occupied, confirm that you have the legal right to occupy the property exclusively, and ensure that the accommodation is not overcrowded and complies with public health regulations. 

English Language Requirement

Unless exempt, as part of your Spouse Visa application, you must satisfy the Home Office that you meet the English language requirement. When applying for entry clearance or switching to the Spouse Visa route, you need to demonstrate competence in the English language at least at CEFR level A1. For those applying for further leave to remain as a spouse, the required level is CEFR A2.

You can meet the Spouse Visa English language requirement in one of the following ways:

  • By holding the nationality of a majority English-speaking country.
  • By passing an approved English language test at or above the required CEFR level with an approved provider, as listed on the Approved Secure English Language Tests and Test Centres.
  • By possessing an academic qualification, such as a Bachelor’s, Master’s, or PhD, awarded in the UK; or, if awarded outside the UK, deemed by Ecctis (formerly UK NARIC) to meet or exceed the recognized standard of a UK Bachelor’s, Master’s, or PhD, with confirmation that the degree was taught or researched in English at or above the required CEFR level.

To be exempt from the English language requirement, you typically need to prove that:

  • You are over the age of 65 at the time of application.
  • You have a physical or mental disability that prevents you from meeting the English language requirement.
  • Exceptional circumstances exist that prevent you from satisfying the English language requirement before entering the UK.

If you are unable to demonstrate that you meet the English language requirement or qualify for an exemption, your Spouse Visa application will be refused.

Documents required as evidence of a genuine and subsisting relationship

Valid Marriage/civil partnership

  • Marriage certificate or Certificate of civil partnership

Co-habitation – these documents should show both names, or should link the person who is applying as a partner and their partner sponsor to the same address over time

  • Tenancy agreement; mortgage agreement; letter from landlord, documents of ownership deeds
  • Utility Bills – for example council tax; electricity; gas; water
  • Other bills – for example phone; TV licence; cable TV
  • Other official documents linking applicant and partner to same address – driving licences, GP/medical letters, payslips, DWP/HMRC letters
  • Electoral register confirmation
  • Documentation issued by a student finance body that shows a UK address
  • Other dated, UK addressed domestic bills, for example, veterinary bills or home services/repairs
  • Letters of support from friends/relatives or religious leaders with British Citizenship
  • Written statement from applicant

Shared financial Responsibilities

  • Bank statements (joined or individual); mortgage agreement
  • Insurances; car finances; joined purchases receipts
  • Other domestic bills – home services/repairs, veterinary bills

Other evidence showing genuine and subsisting relationship (when apart)

  • Sponsor partner’s proof of citizenship
  • Money transfers; bank transactions
  • Birth certificate of children (where relevant)
  • Temporary work contract/employment letter
  • Study course documents
  • Flight/train/bus tickets
  • Holiday bookings
  • Communication records (certified transcripts)
  • Photographs of times spent together
  • Written statements from applicant Letters of support from family, friends, family doctors, religious or tribal leaders
  • Divorce certificate for any previous marriages
  • Details of any criminal convictions (where relevant)
  • Sponsorship Declaration

The most common reason for a Spouse Visa application to be refused is the failure to provide sufficient documentary evidence. The Immigration Rules impose strict requirements regarding the documents that must be submitted in support of a UK Spouse Visa application, and the necessary supporting documents can vary significantly from case to case. Applicants should exercise caution when using pre-prepared document checklists, as these may not be tailored to their specific circumstances.

Seeking advice from an immigration lawyer can help ensure that the documents listed are appropriate for your situation. Additionally, if a required document is missing, incorrectly formatted, or lacks essential information, your Spouse Visa application may be denied.

Our immigration solicitors and caseworkers offer expert guidance to Spouse Visa applicants regarding the necessary documents for a successful application and can review supporting documents to ensure compliance with the Immigration Rules.

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Application Fee

The Home Office application fee for a UK Spouse Visa application submitted outside the UK is currently £1,846.  The Home Office application fee to switch into the spouse category from within the UK or extend stay as a spouse is currently £1,048.  Additional fees will apply if you use the Priority or Super Priority Service.

Pay for UK healthcare as part of your immigration application

There is a separate health charge for the applicant who apply under spouse/partner category. The Immigration Health Surcharge is £2587 for 2.5 – years of visa granted under this category.

Visa Processing & Decision Waiting Times

The current processing time for a Spouse Visa application submitted from outside the UK is approximately 24 weeks. If you choose to apply through the Priority Service, you can typically expect a decision within 30 working days. Please note that there is no Super Priority Service available for applications made from outside the UK.

For applications to switch to or extend a Spouse Visa submitted from within the UK, the Home Office is currently processing these applications within 8 weeks. However, if you do not meet the minimum income or English language requirements, it may take up to 12 months to receive a decision.

While there is no 5-working-day Priority Service for in-country Spouse Visa applications, if you opt for the Super Priority Service, you should receive a decision by the end of the next working day.

Duration of Stay

  • Standard Partner Visa: You can stay in the UK for 2 years and 9 months.
  • Fiancé or Fiancée Visa: You can stay for 6 months.

After this period, you will need to apply to extend your stay.

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Extending or Switching Your Visa

If you extend your family visa or switch to a Spouse Visa, you can remain in the UK for an additional 2 years and 6 months.

After spending 5 years in the UK as a spouse, you will be eligible to apply for indefinite leave to remain.

Switching Into the Spouse Visa Route From Within the UK

You can apply for leave to remain as a spouse from within the UK, unless you are in the country as a visitor or, with a few exceptions, if you have valid leave that was granted for a period of 6 months or less.

Visitors who wish to settle in the UK with their husband or wife must leave the UK and apply for entry clearance as a spouse from outside the country.

However, if you are in the UK with permission as a fiancé(e) or if you have been granted leave while awaiting the outcome of family court or divorce proceedings, you may exceptionally apply for leave to remain as a spouse from within the UK.

Working in the UK

Spouse Visa holders have a full right to work in the UK.

Indefinite Leave to Remain as a Spouse

If your Spouse Visa application is successful, you will initially be granted permission to enter the UK for a period of two and a half years, with an additional three months if you are applying for entry clearance. You will need to submit an extension application before your current leave expires. If your extension application is successful, you will receive further leave for another two and a half years.

After spending 5 years (60 months) in the UK on the Spouse Visa route, you may be eligible to apply for indefinite leave to remain in the UK.

To qualify for indefinite leave to remain as a spouse, you must demonstrate, in addition to the above requirements, that:

  • Since entering the spouse category, you have lived together with your spouse in the UK, or there is a valid reason consistent with a continuing intention to live together permanently in the UK for any period when you have not lived together.
  • You meet the higher CEFR Level B1 English Language requirement applicable to settlement applications.
  • You have passed the Life in the UK test (unless exempt).

If you apply for indefinite leave to remain as a spouse but do not meet the above requirements, UK Visas and Immigration will consider whether you qualify for a further extension of stay as a spouse.

Application Fee

The Home Office application fee for a UK Spouse Visa application submitted outside the UK is currently £1,846.  The Home Office application fee to switch into the spouse category from within the UK or extend stay as a spouse is currently £1,048.  Additional fees will apply if you use the Priority or Super Priority Service.

Pay for UK healthcare as part of your immigration application

There is a separate health charge for the applicant who apply under spouse/partner category. The Immigration Health Surcharge is £2587 for 2.5 – years of visa granted under this category.

Visa Processing & Decision Waiting Times

The current processing time for a Spouse Visa application submitted from outside the UK is approximately 24 weeks. If you choose to apply through the Priority Service, you can typically expect a decision within 30 working days. Please note that there is no Super Priority Service available for applications made from outside the UK.

For applications to switch to or extend a Spouse Visa submitted from within the UK, the Home Office is currently processing these applications within 8 weeks. However, if you do not meet the minimum income or English language requirements, it may take up to 12 months to receive a decision.

While there is no 5-working-day Priority Service for in-country Spouse Visa applications, if you opt for the Super Priority Service, you should receive a decision by the end of the next working day.

Duration of Stay

  • Standard Partner Visa: You can stay in the UK for 2 years and 9 months.
  • Fiancé or Fiancée Visa: You can stay for 6 months.

After this period, you will need to apply to extend your stay.

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Extending or Switching Your Visa

If you extend your family visa or switch to a Spouse Visa, you can remain in the UK for an additional 2 years and 6 months.

After spending 5 years in the UK as a spouse, you will be eligible to apply for indefinite leave to remain.

Switching Into the Spouse Visa Route From Within the UK

You can apply for leave to remain as a spouse from within the UK, unless you are in the country as a visitor or, with a few exceptions, if you have valid leave that was granted for a period of 6 months or less.

Visitors who wish to settle in the UK with their husband or wife must leave the UK and apply for entry clearance as a spouse from outside the country.

However, if you are in the UK with permission as a fiancé(e) or if you have been granted leave while awaiting the outcome of family court or divorce proceedings, you may exceptionally apply for leave to remain as a spouse from within the UK.

Working in the UK

Spouse Visa holders have a full right to work in the UK.

Indefinite Leave to Remain as a Spouse

If your Spouse Visa application is successful, you will initially be granted permission to enter the UK for a period of two and a half years, with an additional three months if you are applying for entry clearance. You will need to submit an extension application before your current leave expires. If your extension application is successful, you will receive further leave for another two and a half years.

After spending 5 years (60 months) in the UK on the Spouse Visa route, you may be eligible to apply for indefinite leave to remain in the UK.

To qualify for indefinite leave to remain as a spouse, you must demonstrate, in addition to the above requirements, that:

  • Since entering the spouse category, you have lived together with your spouse in the UK, or there is a valid reason consistent with a continuing intention to live together permanently in the UK for any period when you have not lived together.
  • You meet the higher CEFR Level B1 English Language requirement applicable to settlement applications.
  • You have passed the Life in the UK test (unless exempt).

If you apply for indefinite leave to remain as a spouse but do not meet the above requirements, UK Visas and Immigration will consider whether you qualify for a further extension of stay as a spouse.

UK Spouse Visa Settlement Timeline and Pathways

Initial Visa Grant

  • Upon approval, you will receive 2.5 years (30 months) of leave to remain in the UK.
  • If applying from outside the UK (Entry Clearance), you will receive an additional 3 months (total 33 months) to facilitate your arrival.

Extension Application

  • Before your initial leave expires, you must apply for an extension, granting another 2.5 years.

Settlement Routes

  1. 5-Year Route to ILR (Indefinite Leave to Remain)
    • Most applicants follow this pathway.
    • Requires two grants of 2.5 years (total 5 years) to qualify for ILR.
  2. 10-Year Route to ILR
    • Applies in specific circumstances (e.g., failure to meet financial requirements).
    • Requires four grants of 2.5 years (total 10 years).
    • If switching from the 5-year to 10-year route after entering the UK, existing grants count toward the 10-year requirement.

Naturalization as a British Citizen

  • After obtaining ILR:
    • If married to a British citizen: You can apply for citizenship immediately.
    • If not married to a British citizen: You must wait 12 months post-ILR.
  • Additional requirements (e.g., residency, language, and “good character” tests) apply.

Key Considerations

  • Ensure timely extension applications to avoid overstaying.
  • Switching routes may extend your timeline but preserves prior eligibility.
  • Consult an immigration specialist to confirm your pathway and avoid errors.

What if My Spouse Visa Application Is Refused?

If your application for a UK Spouse Visa is denied, you have the right to appeal the decision, as such applications are automatically considered human rights claims. The appeal will be conducted at the First-tier Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber) in the UK.

If you are currently in the UK, both you and your spouse can attend the hearing and provide evidence to the Judge. If you are outside the UK, your spouse can attend the hearing, and you can submit a written statement along with supporting evidence for the Tribunal’s consideration. In some cases, arrangements may be made for you to give evidence remotely.

Please be aware that immigration appeal proceedings can take several months to resolve, and the outcome may be unpredictable. We strongly recommend seeking legal advice and representation from a specialist immigration lawyer before proceeding with an appeal against a Spouse Visa refusal.

Comprehensive Support for All Relationships

We assist partners in both same-sex and opposite-sex relationships, whether they are married or unmarried, residing in the UK or abroad. Our expertise extends to individuals with exemplary immigration histories as well as those who may have encountered difficulties in the past. We have significant experience handling complex applications that involve various financial sources, including self-employment, non-salaried employment, and non-income financial resources. Additionally, we are well-versed in assisting overstayers and same-sex couples who cannot return to their home countries due to concerns about their rights and liberties.

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Alternatives if You Cannot Meet UK Spouse Visa Requirements

If you are unable to satisfy the standard criteria for a UK Spouse Visa, you may still qualify to enter or remain in the UK under human rights grounds (Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights).

Potential scenarios include:

Parental Ties to a Child in the UK

Your child is a British/Irish citizen or has resided in the UK for 7+ years, and it would be unreasonable to expect them to leave (e.g., disruption to education, family ties, or integration).

“Very Significant Obstacles” to Living Abroad

You and your spouse face insurmountable difficulties living together outside the UK (e.g., unsafe conditions, medical needs, or extreme hardship).

Breach of Human Rights

Removal or exclusion from the UK would violate your right to family/private life (e.g., long-term relationships, dependency on UK-based family, or exceptional circumstances).

Other Compelling Circumstances

Cases involving vulnerable individuals (e.g., victims of domestic abuse, serious health issues requiring UK-based care).

How to Proceed

  • Submit a human rights application under Appendix FM or Article 8 outside the Immigration Rules.
  • Provide detailed evidence (e.g., medical reports, school records, witness statements) to prove your circumstances meet the threshold.
  • Highlight why refusal would result in disproportionate hardship to you, your spouse, or dependents.

Key Considerations

  • Success depends on proving exceptionality and proportionality.
  • Outcomes are uncertain; even strong cases may require appeals or judicial reviews.
  • Legal advice is critical to navigate complex rules and present a compelling case.

Comprehensive Support for All Relationships

We assist partners in both same-sex and opposite-sex relationships, whether they are married or unmarried, residing in the UK or abroad. Our expertise extends to individuals with exemplary immigration histories as well as those who may have encountered difficulties in the past. We have significant experience handling complex applications that involve various financial sources, including self-employment, non-salaried employment, and non-income financial resources. Additionally, we are well-versed in assisting overstayers and same-sex couples who cannot return to their home countries due to concerns about their rights and liberties.

Support for Vulnerable Individuals

We recognise that some individuals may find themselves in abusive relationships and feel trapped due to their immigration status. Our team is equipped to assist with applications based on domestic violence and has extensive experience with cases involving stranded spouses.

Engaging with Policy Makers

We actively engage with policymakers and provide training to other legal professionals on family-based immigration applications, ensuring that we stay at the forefront of immigration law.

At ABS, we celebrate the fact that love transcends borders, cultures, and ages. Whatever your unique circumstances may be, we are here to provide tailored advice and support for your family immigration needs.

Why Adam Bernard’s Solicitors?

At Adam Bernard Solicitors, we take pride in our extensive history of helping couples and families unite in the UK. Whether you are the partner of a British citizen, a settled individual, a European national with EU Settlement Scheme leave, or someone with temporary leave, our team is here to provide expert advice on your immigration application based on your relationship.

Our work in family immigration has been recognized by leading directories, highlighting our commitment to supporting partners through increasingly complex immigration rules. We understand that navigating the application process can be challenging, and we are dedicated to guiding you through every step.

Call us today at 0207-100-0505 to discuss your case with our lawyers and schedule a free consultation.

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